Who is Nikki?

3 Oct

In other words, who the hell am I and what right do I have sharing with this blog?!

Well, first of all, I am NOT an expert.  Lets put that right out there.  I am just a girl.  A mom of 3.  A wife.  A food lover.  A former fat girl.  A former yo-yo dieter.  A recovering food addict.  Whew, let’s not hold back, huh?

Ok, so I’m far from perfect.  And the only degree I have that remotely relates to all of this is that I am a Registered Nurse.
(though I AM working toward becoming a Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist).

So how’d I get from this:                        To this?

My before & after

It certainly wasn’t a perfect journey.  It is still an imperfect journey.  It took a lot of hard work.  A lot of struggle.  (I love to eat.  I overeat.  Even when I’m not hungry.  I get lazy.  I make excuses.  I get off track when I’m on vacation.  The list goes on).  So how did I change all that?  How did I overcome all of these barriers and MAKE IT HAPPEN?  I guess that’s just it.  I made it happen.  I wanted it badly enough.  I was sick and tired of living under a rock.  Sick of being embarrassed.  Sick of hiding from life.

So without getting into the WHOLE entire story of 5 babies (only 3 of which are here on Earth), let’s fast forward to my last pregnancy and my baby girl.  While pregnant with her I was so READY to have my body back.  Ready to feel FREE.  Ready to feel GOOD in clothes again.  Ready to take on the world.  So I made a plan.  (I was on bedrest with her…so not much I could do until she was out safely).

I found Beachbody.  A an old college friend shared P90X with me.  (You’ve seen the infomercials right?).  I said “sign me up”.  And that’s how it all started.

I did p90x…which led to other Beachbody programs such as TurboFire, Insanity, Chalean Extreme, Brazil Butt Lift, Les Mills PUMP (you know, Body PUMP from the gyms?!) and led me to drink their superfood loaded protein shake, Shakeology.  (Not the greatest name for such a quality product, I agree, but trust me it is of the UTMOST quality…so much so that they won’t make vanilla because they’d have to use gooey chemicals….and can you imagine how popular vanilla would be?!!  Beachbody’s standards are high…ok I digress).  I was losing about 2 lbs a week and within 15 months of my daughter’s birth I was at my HIGH SCHOOL WEIGHT!!!!!!!  Hallelujah!!!!!

During this time I jumped on board to become a Beachbody “coach”, not because I’m an expert, but because people were asking me HOW I was losing the weight, and because well, I’m a sharer 😉

So now here I am.  My daughter is almost 2 at the time I’m writing this.  I am the fittest I have EVER been.   Not perfect.  No supermodel.  No bikini competitor.  But comfortable in my own skin.  Isn’t that what we all want?

I love to share the information that I come across.  I’m kind of a scientist at heart.  I experiment with my body.  I’m not saying I believe in “fads”.  Fads don’t work.  And I would never compromise my health.  Nor am I out for a quick fix.  BUT if there is some biology/chemistry/physiology that I can understand to make my journey easier, healthier, more efficient…well then, I will take advantage of what the smart scientists have learned!  And if there are great products out there to make me fitter, stronger, more motivated…well then I will try them!  If there is a diet theory that is recommended for my IBS belly, I’ll try it!  Currently I am gluten free and paleo (more on that later!)  But I feel GREAT!  And I would love for nothing more than to share my success in a way that inspires others and to see others achieve their own happy story 🙂

So…. I’ll post what I learn.  What I come across.  What works for me.  What doesn’t.  I post without judgement.  Its for you to decide if you want to take advantage of the information or not.  We are all different.  What works for me might not work for you.  and vice versa.  Share with me too!  I love to learn…kind of like a sponge in that way 🙂

Anyhoo….welcome to my site!  Enjoy!!!!  And definitely be in touch!  Your comments and questions will help me make this page what you all want it to be 🙂

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