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4 Reasons Why NOT To Do The Ultimate Reset

25 Oct

Ultimate Reset?  Read all about this gentle 21 day detox here.  Now here are some reasons why you SHOULDN’T do it:

1.  You are looking for a quick fix and have no intention of changing your lifestyle.  Sure you may lose 10 lbs or more in 3 weeks, but you will just gain it all back if you go back to an unhealthy diet.

2.  You are not willing to follow the program 100%.  The only way to fully maximize your results is to follow the program the way it was intended.

3.  You are not willing to give up strenuous exercise for 3 weeks.  You may engage in brisk walks, gentle yoga,or Tai Chi, but beyond that is off limits.

4.  You are not willing to spend some QUALITY time in the kitchen preparing meals.  This is no Jenny Craig solution.  Meals will NOT be prepared for you.  You will receive a list of ingredients needed each week, and a full cookbook for all of the meals for 21 days.  You do have to put in the work.  Fortunately, if you look ahead, you will see that many meals are repeated for 2 days (ie, one for dinner and then repeated for lunch the next day), so that you can double the recipe and make less work for yourself.  Also, it is easy enough to prep meals in advance, make them in advance and just bring them to work etc.

The bottom line is that The Ultimate Reset isn’t some pre-packaged meal plan that is going to shred fat fast and detox you.  Yes, you will lean out in ways you never expected, but you are going to have to work for it.  And it can be challenging!  Not only that, but this isn’t meant to be a weight loss solution.  Again, you will most likely lose a nice chunk of weight, but what needs to be realized is that some of that is water.  If you go back to a processed diet, guess what’s gonna happen?!  There is a great reintroduction plan for the 3 weeks following the Reset that should NOT be discounted when deciding to do this program.  Don’t think that after 21 days you are going to go back to your old ways and maintain the effects of this detox. BUT, if you DO as suggested, you will reap the rewards of continuing to detox and cleanse and get lean.

Lastly, if you DO choose to do this program, you will need support.  There is a great Facebook group that I will connect you to.  There are many graduates that maintain the group and lots of others who will be going through the same challenges with you.


Ready to Change Your Life?

20 Oct

Ready to Change Your Life? – YouTube.